Client Success Managers: Backup Buddy System


  • A Buddy System is implemented to ensure backup options are available when Client Success Managers are out of office.
  • The back up buddy steps in as the point of contact on behalf of their teammate to communicate with clients regarding any questions or concerns.
  • The goal is for the buddy to continue to create a smooth flow of communication to clients when Client Success Managers are out of the office, effectively creating a great client experience. 

CSM Buddy System: 






Out of Office Protocol

Before heading out of the Office, CSMs must take the following steps.

Google Calendar

  • Place OOO dates on your calendar as soon as they are known and when OOO unexpectedly. 
  • When OOO for planned PTO and unexpectedly (Out sick, etc.), it is your responsibility to ensure:
    • For any scheduled meetings, cancel or mark that you won’t be in attendance. 
      • Internal Meetings: 
        • For any team meetings or Lunch & Learns missed, it is required to review the meeting agenda & Fathom for any updates missed while OOO upon your return.
      • External Meetings: 
        • Send the following HS Email Template to your client CSM OOO Meeting Reschedule Notification


  • Ensure your OOO message is placed on your Gmail account before going out of the office for planned PTO and when OOO unexpectedly.

Out of Office Message

Hi there, 


I am currently out of office and will return on {Enter Return to Office Date}. If you need immediate assistance, please reach out to to connect with our support team - You will be in great hands! 


Upon my return, I will circle back with you to ensure you have received the support needed. 


Have a great day! 


Best Regards,

{CSM Signature}

  • The support team takes the following steps:
    • For concerns Support can handle, respond within the HS Conversation Inbox. Ensure the OOO CSM is tagged within the comments section so that upon their return they can review the full context of the conversations.
    • For escalated concerns, please tag the backup buddy in the HS Conversation Inbox to respond to the client. Backup Buddy should leave a note and tag OOO CSM on the HS Company Record so that upon return full context of the communications is provided. 

JustCall Text

  • Support will review incoming text messages during the duration of time off to ensure no text messages are left unanswered in case a client reaches out through this method of communication while a CSM is OOO.

JustCall Calls

  • Update your JustCall voicemail to the following scripted message below

Hi you've reached {CSM Name} with Yellowstone Local. I am currently out of the office. Please reach out to our team by emailing and a member of our team will be able to provide assistance in my absence. Thank you!

Internal Team Messaging

  • Send the following message to the #dept-client-services-must-reads channel the day before planned PTO or when logging off unexpectedly.

Hi Team! I will be OOO from {Start Date} to {End Date}. In my absence, {Enter Backup Buddy Name} will be my backup buddy for any assistance needed. Thank you!