
Standard operating procedure for meetings


To ensure that meetings are conducted efficiently, effectively, and with clear objectives, adhering to specific agendas and formats tailored to the type of meeting.

1. Agenda Preparation:

  • Responsibility: The meeting organizer is responsible for preparing and distributing a clear and concise agenda in advance.
  • Timing: The agenda should be shared with participants at least [Specify Timing, e.g., 48 hours] before the meeting.
  • Content: The agenda must include specific topics to be discussed, objectives for each topic, and the estimated time allocated for each item.

2. Attendee Selection:

  • Responsibility: The meeting organizer should carefully select and invite only individuals who are relevant to the meeting's purpose and can contribute to the discussion.
  • Efficiency: Limiting attendance to essential participants maximizes efficiency and ensures meaningful participation.

3. Time Management:

  • Punctuality: Start and end the meeting on time to respect participants' schedules.
  • Time Allocation: Allocate sufficient time for each agenda item and adhere to the established schedule.
  • Facilitator: Designate a meeting facilitator to keep discussions on track and manage time effectively.

4. Documentation:

  • Meeting Minutes: Appoint someone to take detailed meeting minutes, including key discussion points, decisions made, and action items assigned.
  • Distribution: Share meeting minutes promptly with participants after the meeting.

5. Follow-up Actions:

  • Responsibility: Ensure that action items are clearly documented during the meeting, including the responsible person and due date.
  • Accountability: Monitor and track the progress of action items between meetings.

6. Feedback and Communication:

  • Encourage Open Communication: Create an environment where participants feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas.
  • Feedback: Collect feedback from participants on meeting effectiveness and make necessary improvements.

7. Continuous Improvement:

  • Periodic Review: Regularly review meeting processes and seek opportunities for improvement.
  • Adjustment: Adjust meeting formats, agendas, or protocols as needed to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.

8. Types of Meetings:

8.1 Executive Meetings

Weekly Executive Performance Meeting

  • Review of High-Value Initiatives
    • Focus on progress and obstacles.
  • Team Performance Assessment
    • Evaluate against pre-determined measures.
  • Accountability Check
    • Reinforce single-point responsibilities.
  • Cross-Departmental Alignment
    • Address issues between organizational silos.
  • Key Issue Debate
    • Robust discussion on critical topics.
  • Performance Standards
    • Reiterate and enforce expectations.
  • Talent and Capability Development
    • Discuss key personnel and their development.
  • Risk Management Update
    • Overview of current risks and mitigation strategies.
  • Strategic Positioning
    • Confirm and refine strategic objectives.
  • Communication Strategy
    • Develop key messages for wider dissemination.

Monthly Executive Strategy Meeting

  • Strategic Review
    • Assess progress towards strategic goals.
  • Initiative Brainstorming
    • Identify and prioritize new high-value initiatives.
  • Performance Review
    • Analyze team and individual performance metrics.
  • Organizational Alignment
    • Strategies to improve cross-functional cooperation.
  • Long-Term Planning
    • Discuss future objectives and direction.
  • Risk Assessment and Management
    • Review and update risk management strategies.
  • Talent Management
    • Focus on leadership development and succession planning.
  • Strategic Messaging
    • Craft communication plans for internal and external stakeholders.

Quarterly Business Review

  • Business Performance Overview
    • Review quarterly results and metrics.
  • Market Analysis
    • Discuss market trends and competitor activities.
  • Strategic Alignment Check
    • Ensure all initiatives align with strategic goals.
  • Departmental Highlights and Challenges
    • Share updates from each department.
  • Risk and Opportunity Assessment
    • Evaluate potential risks and opportunities.
  • Resource Allocation
    • Discuss budgeting and resource management.
  • Goal Setting
    • Set objectives for the next quarter.
  • Stakeholder Communication
    • Plan for stakeholder engagement and reporting.

8.2 One-on-One Meetings

Bi-Monthly 1-1 with Alternating Agenda

  • Meeting with Employee's Agenda
    • Discuss issues and challenges faced by the employee.
  • Meeting with Manager's Agenda
    • Formal assessment of performance, KPIs, and development.

Ad Hoc Meetings

  • Performance Improvement Meetings
    • Provide feedback and coaching to enhance performance.
  • Recognition Meetings
    • Acknowledge and discuss instances of excellent performance.

8.3 Group & Team Meetings

Daily Team Standup Meetings

  • Update on Tasks
    • Quick status updates from each team member.
  • Identifying Blockers
    • Discuss challenges and seek solutions.
  • Alignment on Goals
    • Ensure everyone is aligned with daily and weekly objectives.

Monthly All Hands Meetings

  • Company Updates
    • Share organizational news and updates.
  • Team Highlights
    • Showcase team achievements and learnings.
  • Strategic Focus
    • Communicate key strategic messages and goals.
  • Open Forum
    • Q&A and open discussion with leadership.

8.4 Decision Making Meetings

Ad Hoc Decision Meetings

  • Issue Presentation
    • Outline the issue requiring a decision.
  • Discussion and Debate
    • Open floor for input and perspectives.
  • Decision Making
    • Facilitated by the accountable decision-maker.
  • Action Plan
    • Develop a plan for implementing the decision.

Project Steering Group Meetings

  • Project Updates
    • Review project progress and milestones.
  • Issue Resolution
    • Address specific project challenges.
  • Decision Making
    • Make key project decisions.
  • Resource Allocation
    • Discuss and allocate resources as needed.